This land
Abound with shades and hues,
But a tilt shift,
a definite rift.
Colour draining away.
Inward, dark,
and grey.
Look up without superiority.
Vibrance and warmth.
Welcoming. Diversity.
A depth of palette.
And richer for it.
Poem written in response to Brexit and Jane Hunter’s textile artwork.

Thanks to artist and poet, Bonnie McClellan for her kind words on this final day of her International Poetry Month. Jane Hunter’s visual art, and my poem are today’s feature.
The thing about these artworks that continues to move me deeply is the acknowledgement that hope, strength, and wealth (of every kind) are all at their most vibrant when we are open rather than closed.
“Amidst all of the flotsam and jetsam that social media washes up on the shores of our consciousness, there is the occasional glowing jewel. My second passion after poetry is wool and I follow several fiber artists on twitter. One of them retweeted a blog post by a fellow artist with an irresistible title; following the thread I came to a lovely artwork by Jane Hunter that then lead me to an equally lovely poem by her collaborator Sam Kilday. Both pieces were composed in reaction to Brexit but I feel that the sentiment is resonant in a world where an increasing number of people seem to be burying their political heads in the nationalist sand. The thing about these artworks that continues to move me deeply is the acknowledgement that hope, strength, and wealth (of every kind) are all at their most vibrant when we are open rather than closed.”
Great writing.
Thanks so much for being the very first to comment on my new blog. How welcoming!